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Legacy Pack Registries

A Pack Registry is a server-side application that stores and serves packs to its clients. These packs are retrieved and presented as options during the creation of a cluster profile. You can add your own Pack Registry to Palette and use the packs in your cluster profiles.

To create your own Legacy Pack Registry, you must first stand up a server-side application registry that serves the packs using the Spectro CLI. Refer to the Add a Custom Registry resource to learn how to start a server-side application registry that serves packs.


We recommend you create an Open Container Initiative (OCI) Pack Registry versus using the Legacy Pack registry. OCI Pack registries provide you with greater hosting flexibility and allow you to use existing OCI registries you may have in your environment. Refer to the OCI Registry resource to learn more about using OCI registries in Palette.


  • You must have a server-side application registry that serves packs using the Spectro CLI. Refer to Add a Custom Registry page to learn how to start a server-side application registry that serves packs.

  • Tenant admin access to Palette.

Add Legacy Pack Registry

Use the following steps to add a Legacy Pack registry to Palette.

  1. Log in to the Palette as a Tenant administrator.

  2. From the left Main Menu select Tenant Settings.

  3. From the Tenant Settings Menu, select Registries.

  4. Click on the Pack Registries tab.

  5. Click Add New Pack Registry.

  6. Fill out the following fields.

    NameEnter a name for the registry.
    EndpointEnter the URL of the registry.
    Authentication TypeSelect the authentication type used by the registry.
    UsernameEnter the username to access the registry.
    PasswordEnter the password to access the registry.
    Insecure Skip TLS VerifyCheck this box if the registry is using a self-signed certificate or if the server certificate is not signed by a trusted CA.
    CertificateIf the registry is using a self-signed certificate or if the server certificate is not signed by a trusted CA, upload the X509 certificate.
  7. Click Validate to validate the registry. If the credentials are valid and Palette is able to connect to the registry, the registry is added to Palette. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.


    If you are encountering issues with adding a registry, review the endpoint URL and ensure that it is accessible from Palette. Verify the credentials and try again. Lastly, if the registry is hosted on a server using a self-signed certificate, upload the certificate to Palette and skip TLS verification.

  8. Click Confirm to complete adding the registry.


Use the following steps to validate that the registry is added to Palette correctly.

  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. From the left Main Menu, click on Profiles.

  3. Click Add Cluster Profile.

  4. Provide a name and select the type Add-on.

  5. In the following screen, click Add Pack.

  6. Verify the registry you added is displayed in the Registry drop-down Menu. If you added packs to the registry, the packs are displayed below.